Best store ever

Best Store Ever


By: Ethan l.



The best store to shop at is Gamestop.  It is the best store ever because it has lots and lots and lots of cool games.  It has Call of Duty games, Battlefield games, Shooting games, Zombie games, and lots of other games.  Another is that if you shop there more than once you get a powerup card which makes it to where you can get a discount on every games you buy.


The Best Present Ever

              Best Present Ever

 I gave my mom and dad the best present ever, I gave them respect and I gave them kindness.  It made me feel really good about myself.  It made me think that I was really helping them with respect and kindness.  I think that it made them feel that they were being treated with respect and kindness.  They loved it when I was treating them with respect and kindness. My mom and dad really love me.  It is better to give than receive because you’re making that person feel good and feel happy that you got them something.  The best thing to give is love, you can show love in many different ways,  you can love love by, hugging, laughing, sitting together, and many other ways.